Risk Purchasing Groups

Risk Purchasing Groups

The registration of risk purchasing groups in North Carolina is governed by the Risk Retention Act of 1986 and North Carolina General Statute 58-22-40.

Filing a Registration Application

All companies requesting registration as a risk purchasing group must:

All companies desiring to become a risk purchasing group domiciled in North Carolina must submit the following additional information:

  • A certified copy of its charter and any amendments to the charter.
  • A certified copy of its bylaws and any amendments to its bylaws.
  • A copy of its plan of operation.
  • A list of its members.

Renewal Application

Every risk purchasing group that is registered in North Carolina must submit an update form by January 1 each year in order to retain registration.

Risk Purchasing Groups

Questions concerning risk purchasing groups or the application process can be directed to:

Scott Wicker
Company Admissions Manager